AGY 3.57% 2.7¢ argosy minerals limited

General Comments & Banter, page-4689

  1. 1,524 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3037
    It seems that it's both necessary and timely to remind people that JZ is no slouch, and (IMO) has a plan that he intends to deliver on..... and he is best placed to both know, and do, what is best for AGY in the long run.

    Reminder: In Aug last year, it seemed AGY had struck a great deal with an OT with Qianyun, and holders were keen to get the deal signed and nailed down.

    But behind the scenes, Qianyun were playing silly buggers, and JZ was concerned the conditions weren't great for AGY (Qianyun would have a place on the board). JZ was on a family holiday at the time, yet still taking their calls and trying to finalise the deal in the early hours of the morning. But when it was obvious they were playing games, he pulled the pin on the deal (and as far I know, AGY are still holding the deposit, ie he's not rolling over just to make his life easier, he's prepared to see things through to ensure the best advantage for AGY).

    Now take a moment to think were AGY would be today if JZ hadn't had the vision and determination to walk away from that deal....

    Instead, AGY did a CR that enabled them to fully fund Stage 2, kept the board limited to existing AGYers, have kept the door closed to outsiders knowing their IP, and have enabled them to take their time to find a better OT deal.

    Everyone will have to make their own decision about confidence in AGY management - but for me, JZ has repeatedly demonstrated he has the commitment, the intelligence and the cojones to steer AGY in the right direction.

    And since that time, AGY have completed and harvested brine from Stg 2 Ponds, completed construction and are finalising commissioning of Stg 1 Plant, and have proven at a minimum they can produce IG LCE.

    If you think AGY are dropping the ball at this critical time in the companies development... well frankly... I'm wondering why you invested here in the first place??

    My suggestion; if you're day trading, be worried about the day to day price movements. If you're investing, the only thing that I'd be bummed about is if you don't have any spare funds to buy at today's prices!
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2.8¢ 2.8¢ 2.7¢ $90.82K 3.360M

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11 1870022 2.6¢

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2.7¢ 247064 2
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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