MFS mfs limited

the defendent, page-14

  1. 11,407 Posts.

    While you have said some ok things in the past, let’s have a look at your post a few hours ago.

    Firstly...did you have a bad weekend?

    Also, I notice a lot of posters who are pro-MFS current board / anti Chris Scott board are becoming increasingly agitated in the lead up to the MFS proposed "end of March relisting" and the possibility of a change of board.

    Why is this so?

    Lets begin shall we?

    "Well, you lot (mostly) are a useless bunch of wimps.
    I will tell you why."

    Thanks for the flaming. Always constructive to put people down.

    "You get on here and blame the Board for all your troubles."

    Any proof that anyone has blamed MFS for ALL their problems? Please provide some.

    "You criticise Peacock because he was a politician - none of you know him - but you are happy to judge him and blame him for all the problems."

    Peacock is a public figure. He chose this path.

    He also chose to join the MFS board.

    MFS has crashed. Being part of the board...he contribution to the MFS board has also contributed to the MFS crash in some way.

    "You say he is there for the money (what a joke). The truth is more likely to be he is a Liberal and you can't handle that. Narrow minds more likely."

    Funny line that one. I don’t think he would have joined to board for free and the $250K a year probably was one of the main reasons for joining.

    Why would we be bothered he was a liberal and what does this have to do with MFS? His political leaning or beliefs offends me in no way but his record to date with MFS does.

    "You are smart - so smart that when MFS folded you ALL STAYED LONG and ignored the most obvious signs ever seen on a market to quite a stock. Not once but several times. Whenever a credit scare when through the US market what happened - more holders were seen quitting MFS on our market next day. This happened again and again yet you ignored it."

    Who said we were smart?

    Also...I bought MFS for a quick trade and got caught out by an 8 week or possibly indefinite suspension.

    Call it stupid or whatever you like but that’s how it happened for me.

    "You are smart enough to forget that and day after day now pour more cr*p on the Board for all your troubles."

    Now we are smart? Any proof we blame the current MFS board for all our troubles in life?

    "You call for the stock to be relisted - oh yeah! that will solve your problems. That's the same sort of thinking that has left you holding the stock now - pure dreaming and denial. "

    MFS is on a timer now. They said end of March and that will be 10 weeks or close to 3 months suspended.

    If they take longer it may have some serious implications for MFS as a company.

    "If you want out now just tear up the scrip and move on. The result would be the same."

    Now why would we do that? MFS and you in this post are telling us they are sorting things out. Were you drunk when you posted this outburst at 3 am?

    "But the great white saint is here on the horizon. Yep Scott will save you all. Again the same thinking. The smart business builder that can't produce a plan of any sort and whose tv comments were a waste of time. The man who, given a great opportunity to say something of substance relied on his little bull terrier to do his talking for him."

    Nice flaming. Chris Scott has yet to detail his plan for moving MFS forward. I hope to find out more before his EGM or at his EGM.

    "START with some self appraisal FIRST. You were dumb being left in this situation. Dumber than dumb. Yet no-one has said I will bl**dy-well learn a lesson from this. That is probably the most important thing you will get from this exercise."


    I agree that I was silly or more made some dangerous decisions in my trading on this one...however I have admitted before and will again, I have learnt a lot from this situation, heaps actually.

    Now to the good bit.

    "It annoys me to see the Board working hard as hell to save this Company yet all you can do is criticise. Not proper constructive criticism but gossip, guilt by association, blatant prejudice, and most other flaws of logical argument are being whipped up."

    Firstly, why does it annoy you so much? Are you long, short or not financially associated with MFS?

    Secondly, lets look at MFS's "working hard as hell" results in this so far, 8 week ASX suspension.

    The current MFS board (of Which your Peacock is a valued member) have sold part of stella for $1 billion less than was offered 8 weeks before they gave CVC that nice pressie.

    They legally found a way to not seek shareholder approval.

    They have appointed administrators to do a business review.

    They have successfully kept shareholders and all affected in the dark since then.

    Wait...they did work hard on two more things.

    They said that after this 8 weeks of turmoil and hard work, let’s all fly to Melbourne, shareholder funded interstate trip to have an EGM where shareholders finally get to have a say on the MFS situation and that is TO VOTE ON A BUSINESS NAME CHANGE.

    Yep..That’s right..To change the company name.

    Also....MFS said “you probably have received a form from Chris Scott to vote him onto the board. Dont vote for him. Dont send in that proxy. We will tell you why”.

    Then...nothing...8 days later....nothing. No update, no reasons, NOTHING. Is that meant to breed confidence in the current MFS board.

    Chris Scott tried for weeks to reach an agreement with the board to place him on the MFS board. All we know is that Peacock was quoted as saying “I have no respect for Chris Scott”.

    Nice work! Now we see these huge efforts of the current MFS board you are talking about.

    So Horses, you can see why when you say the MFS board have been working SO’s so hard to believe they really do have shareholders interests held high above their own priorities.

    This however is not why they were appointed to the MFS board.

    They are there to run the company and to look after shareholders interests.

    They have failed on both in my opinion and it seems the whole market, the media, banks, institutions and the rest of the world agrees.

    "Finally, the denial is so complete that you really think Scott has a hope of wrestling control of the Company from the Board and saving your skins. What deprived thinking this is. The man who ignores the numbers, ignores a great tv opportunity to make a statement, who allows Hutson loose on the media, and who cannot himself provide any sort of plan or strategy for the Company going forward.
    He's the man that can't bring himself to confront Peacock try to sort out his differences, and offer himself to the Board. That's not the sign of someone clever and who works well with people."

    Chris Scott does business the way he does.

    He has been mega successful previously with S8.

    I believe he could do well with MFS, or as a minimum, much much better than the current stooges.

    Either Scott gets on the board or he does not.

    We will know soon enough.

    Also....who is in denial? I think all long on MFS pretty much can see in their trading balance a portion of their money locked.

    "So it's pure deck-chair mentality in most of the MFS posts. Get real guys and give the Board some credit for their efforts in a very difficult situation."

    Again...the "efforts" of the current MFS board to date and those who left the MFS board recently got MFS to where it is today.

    No one can dispute that.

    Their efforts since suspension have shocked most people, especially the price they sold CVC to.

    Their continued suspension and keeping shareholders in the dark is in my opinion what will bring them down in the end.

    Please also fill us in on the other efforts they have been applying that we must have missed.

    Horses, one last thing. Those that will vote for Chris Scott, most probably already have.

    Trying to sway them now is futile in my opinion.

    Flaming on a message board those against the MFS current members and in support of a board shake up is also futile in my opinion and makes people wonder why this level of anger is being delivered from anonymous posters on these message boards.

    In 11 days from now, the current MFS board will have a meeting to vote on a company name change.

    9 days after that, we will know if Peacock will still be around.

    Lets let the process close off as all in the ring have proposed.

    From here, what will be will just be.

    Good luck with your shares this week!
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