lessons from iraq, page-9

  1. 29,310 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 80
    A good article by Fisk, Chuck.

    I am sorry, however, that he did not continue with a prediction for the future, and a warning of what will happen if the same neo-cons listen to the urging of Israel and take on Iran, a much larger country than Iraq, with 3.5 times the population, better armed and trained than the Iraqis were, and infinitely more patriotic to their country.
    There is no way the US can "win" in Iraq or Afghanistan.
    If they attack Iran, they will face a disastrous and humiliating defeat in all three of those countries.
    The relatively peaceful Shia majority would rise up in Iraq and drive out the coalition to the man. There would then be a concerted effort to drive the coalition out of Afghanistan.
    This, too would succeed. As for Iran, look how 3000 Hezbollah humiliated Israel........in Iran they would face 40,000,000.
    I can remember the Iranian children in the Iran-Iraq war (which the US encouraged Saddam to initiate) wrapping their bodies in carpet & rolling across minefields to clear a way for the soldiers. In the last Lebanon War, israel showed it lacked the stomach for close quarter combat. The US wouldnt relish facing the Iranians either. Forget Ahmadjinead's misquoted sayings: Iran has not attacked anyone in modern history. But they will fight back tooth & claw.
    As mentioned, it seems the US will loose Pakistan as an ally....and Turkey as well, in time, purely because of anti-US sentiment by its peoples.
    Russia and China would take the opportunity to gain the upper hand in the ME. The US could then sit back isolated in its homeland wondering what happened.

    Cheney & McCain's visit to Iraq was greeted with carnage & bombings............when Ahmadjinead visited, he walked the streets freely without security and not a shot was fired.

    I would hazard a guess that if Obama visited Iraq, there would be a message to us in the lack of violent activity during his visit.
    I dont think the so-called "insurgents" et al really enjoy what happens there; they are just dedicated to driving the US out & back into its box.

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