MFS mfs limited

time to ease up

  1. 11,407 Posts.
    Hey Athyrio

    Its time to lay off me mate.

    Here is the deal.

    I held MFS when it hit the trading halt.

    From there...we were all in the dark.

    I researched everything I could.

    I came to the conclusion that if Chris Scott was on the board, then MFS will relist and MFS will eventually recover although we all know this will time.

    When I initially got through to Chris Scott.....and even this was a hard IT task, but I have a strong IT background so was able to track him down...he was upset, but not going for the board position.

    Over about 8 days and following the MFS board's "dear in the headlights" style of reaction to the company tumbling beneath them, Chris Scott changed his tune.

    The way the Chris Scott "rise to power" worked is that two key shareholders that had already decided to bet on and get behind Chris Scott took a very active role in giving MFS shareholders an option of MFS moving ahead with a different team heading MFS.

    After deciding who to back, and let me tell you, it was a very eay decision, I and another MFS shareholders put in some serious effort sending out proxy forms for Scott based on his resolutions.

    Without Chris Scott’s 8.6%, we attainted a little over 15% of the MFS shareholders voted in favour of Chris Scott being on the board.

    This is where you and I disagree. You have your reasons, I have mine. You cannot hassle me for taking Chris Scott’s side, I cannot hassle yours. I actually like the difference of opinion.

    Anyway….after getting this 15%, plus Chris Scott’s 8.6% in favour of himself, we had 23.6% of MFS shareholders in favour of Chris Scott over throwing the board.

    I have seen yourself and a few others state “people want Peacock, someone reputable, someone with status”.

    I can tell you with 100% accuracy and truth, that you guys were very wrong on this argument.

    Its was in fact the mum and dads investors who were voting for Chris Scott to be on the board.

    Chris Scott has proof behind him of business success, Peacock always had a debatable reputation. Politicians, like we have seen with Howard can be hot one day and be snubbed as the failure of the universe the next day….but they choose this path.
    I am amazed that the MFS board invited Peacock onto the board initially. Such a move invites social questions and political swaying…not something you want in a business situation.

    Business is about making money. Business has one direction, one force, one flavour, one movement which we all vote on….and that is on “MAKING MONEY”.

    Enter Chris Scott. He was always going to gain the vote of the mum and dad shareholders, thus his lack of plan of moving MFS ahead and lack of TV time in presenting his side of the argument.

    His position was simple: “I have done it before…I will do it with MFS now”.

    You can all question his ability, but facts are fact. He started and built and sold his S8 company with diligence, with pure success.

    After some heated debate on hotcopper, the only argument you guys had against Chris Scott was “he must be stupid as he accepted MFS shares instead of Cash”.

    Just to let you know…Scott was retiring. Some of 8.6% went to his account, some went to his family trust.

    Scott Never had a position with MFS, he was never connected to them other than selling his company to them.

    He did his job with S8…..he won. He built, it was successful, MFS was interested, he sold it to them.

    The price and what MFS paid is MFS’s problem. But this was also used as part of the anti-Chris Scott discussion. “MFS bought S8 for too much”. Chris Scott achieved again, MFS did poorly.

    Again and again, it is clear MFS was too highly in debt or geared and paid too much for other business’s in their goal to expand and ‘takeover the world’ as King would have liked.

    Athyrio, the 15% of shareholder votes we attained for Chris Scott, and his 8.6% was just the beginning.

    After this, something for you and others to know….52% of MFS is owned by 26 holders…not including Chris Scott.

    Scott needed 51% to over throw the board. He had our 15%, his 8.6% so then he target the 26 MFS holders that held 52% of the company.

    In the end….actually a lont time before his announcing it at his EGM, the MFS got wind of Scotts numbers. He had the numbers to pass his resolutions.

    You guys can debate and get fired up al you like, but the fact is that an easy majority of MFS holders supported Chris Scott controlling the board and Peacock being sacked.

    I apologise for this, but that is the facts as you have all seen now.

    The MFS board had its tentacles out and got the news on this situation and new their time was up.

    An invitation was then sent to Chris Scott.

    Guys….Scott is a good man. He is fair. He is a business man..not political.

    Athyrio..he is not my friend, he is simply the man to be running MFS. I backed him…many others did……now all those holding MFS shares or other MFS related securities are in a position of strength….and this is simply in comparison to the media’s position and hyped up rating selling position and that which you, NTG and others have positioned yourselves

    With MFS, you are either holding MFS or related securities, or you have shorted it meaning you always wanted the failing MFS board to continue in their job at failing in the markets opinion….but still list so that it goes down and you profit from predicting it would go down further then its 99 cents close.

    Now whatever your position is on MFS, whether holding, shorting or just watching, the time is up for personal tactics at pulling others down.

    MFS now with Scott on the board is far from a position where you can discredit him, however you can still hassle MFS’s position…as for all we know, MFS is insolvent and will not trade again…this is from the angle of expecting the worst.

    This week we will know about the MFS business review, hopefully the MFS financial result and then the relisting of MFS after this.

    Brace yourself and buffer on all possibilities.

    However, its time to stop the hassling of those for or against MFS. Your position is known…..ours were an open book.

    Breaking down the supposed psychology of an MFS holder in “hope” and their “uselessness” is far from helping your position.

    Time to put effort into achieving your goals with MFS as we did with getting Chris Scott on the MFS board. We chose a direction, we pushed, we achieved. Playing mind games on a forum is only worsening your position both mentally, emotionally and financially.

    Ease up Athyio, Newtothegame and others who are hassling those holding MFS securities. Our journey over the past 9 weeks has been one like Russel Crow in the Gladiator. We have been speared from every angle including yours. We held hope and even got Chris Scott on the board. MFS has a chance to pull through this. Ease up my friends and lets see what comes this week and on Friday from the Melbourne MFS.

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