Unidentified helicopters Delivering Arms to ISIS

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    ......in Afghanistan.......

    The Russian Foreign Ministry on Thursday drew attention again to the flights of “unidentified helicopters in the north of Afghanistan, delivering weapons and ammunition” to local Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) militants and Taliban fighters. “According to the statements by the Afghan media and local residents, such flights have recently been recorded in the province of Sari-Pul,” said the ministry’s spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. She added that neither the Afghan military nor NATO forces had addressed those flights, which were carried out close to the borders of Central Asian countries, Sputnik reported. “Who is behind those flights, who provides weapons for the terrorists and creates their bases close to the southern borders of the CIS countries, and why does this occur in Afghan airspace controlled by NATO forces?” Zakharova said.


    Wonder who it could be, seeing NATO controls the airspace?

    Terrorism will NEVER end while people support terrorists.

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