hia blames immigation for unafforadble housing, page-16

  1. 3,816 Posts.
    "Problems are solved by the brain not the gut; intellectually rather than emotionally."

    Spot on Atomou. Here is an example of emotion:

    "Oh great, blame the immigrants. Next they want a start painted on them so they know who they are and what ghetto they should live in."

    You might not have read the end of the article. Here it is again:

    "The government, like much of big business, is keen to attract migrant labour to boost the economy – but doesn’t want to fund housing, health and education for these workers.

    Ministers then queue up to blame Polish workers for a lack of midwives and maternity beds. But those shortages are caused not by immigration but by a lack of funding and by hospital cuts.

    In free market terms, there is no contradiction between wanting a flow of migrants and tightening border controls.

    Immigration controls act like a dam – creating a reservoir of cheap labour that can be sucked in when the economy demands it. These workers can be denied rights and benefits – with their precarious position making it less likely they will strike or protest at their treatment.

    Economics are not the only concern for the government. The Financial Times reports that New Labour strategists want the government to strike a tougher line on immigration “to shore up support in southern marginal seats”.

    Health minister Ivan Lewis has argued Gordon Brown is “losing touch” with Labour voters and argued for a tougher line including immediate deportation of illegal immigrants.

    New Labour is copying David Cameron’s Tories in blaming migrant workers for low pay, lack of housing and poor services.

    But the problems working people face in Britain are the legacy of 30 years of Tory and Labour governments pursuing vicious free market policies.

    This race down into the racist gutter can only give confidence to the fascist BNP and other bigots who will always dive deeper into that mire."

    I would be interested to know the per capita infrastructure cost for an increasing population. It needs careful planning instead of the pandering to self interested parties as is occurring currently.

    But what logic is there in blaming the immigrants? Wouldn't it make more sense to blame those responsible for the policy. Surely your vitriol would then be directed at ageing white males?

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