Anti-immigration party set for gains as Sweden swings right, page-25

  1. 3,910 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 30
    Hi pintohoo,

    Sorry but I disagree with your statement that there is zero logical parallel.

    You said we'd never know what would have happened if the USA "stayed home, kept quiet and minded it’s own business."

    After WW1 the USA had the opportunity to join the League of Nations, but the public was against it. The public wanted to stay home, keep quiet, and mind it's own business. Sound familiar? Let Europe fight it's own wars was the catch cry.

    What ended up happening? The USA being dragged into a far, far larger war, that was allowed to reach the size it did because the USA did not intervene earlier.

    Would WW2 have been a "natural follow on" to WW1 if the USA was part of the League of Nations, and provided such overwhelming military power that the Germans would have known there'd be no point in fighting a second war?

    If you want to attack expansionist/interventionist US foreign policy that's fine, but you also need to accept the failures of it's isolationist foreign policy pre-WW2. There are pros and cons for both, as has been confirmed by history.

    In a perfect World, every country would stay in it's lane and not impede on others. The problem is we don't, and never will, live in a perfect World.

    There will always be superpowers exerting influence, as has been the case throughout history. If a country other than the USA had the same military and financial dominance, they'd unquestionably use their influence too. Any student of history would understand this.

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