global warming a scam, page-100

  1. 174 Posts.
    That's an interesting article Banjar, however a little digging uncovers this response to the article (or a very similar article in NYT) from the authors of the original study:

    "NY Times, March 23, 2004
    To the Editor:

    Your March 18 news article "Study Disputes Idea on Global Warming" gives the impression that our research goes against the consensus scientific view that global warming is a serious concern. While our research does suggest that climate models are somewhat overestimating 21st-century warming, our work does not argue against the seriousness of the problem.

    The predicted global warming over the 21st century is so large (up to 11 degrees Fahrenheit), and the potential effects so serious, that slight overestimates of this warming make little difference — just as reducing the size of a firing squad from 10 shooters to nine makes little difference to the person being executed. Our research should provide no comfort to those arguing against policies to combat global warming.
    College Park, Md., March 20, 2004",2004.htm#4

    I imagine this explains why global warming proponents weren't running for the hills back in 2004!

    As for the rest of your post, I agree with you it is a complex issue and people from both sides attempt to oversimplify it. My argument is the people that don't oversimplify the problem (i.e. the scientists) and best understand the intricacies tend to be in agreement global warming is real and it is caused, at least partially by humans.
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