global food prices to soar, page-5

  1. 30,316 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    it might be a bit old (yellow cake has been posting about this for some time), but the message should be constanly retold, as this has ramnifications for all of humanity. this is of far more importance to mankind, than what would the increase, or decrease in a share price - and people on hc can post incessantly on this matter.

    a major problem of course, is that there are far too many people in relation to the available resources. indeed, one day, there might be something akin to a "kyoto protocol on population control". indeed, population control, and climate change are very much related. one could reasonably assume that if that there were half as many people, then carbon emissions would be halved - relative to the amount which is responsible from humans.

    ironically, a lot of coutnries (mostly the affluent west) have negative rates of natural population growth, but there are far too may people in the developing, and undeveloped world, having far too many babies.

    park rangers, regularly do a cull, when there are too many animals, relative to the food supply. watso is not advocating that we do the same thing with humans, but a lot would be achieved, if people could still have their pleasure, without producing offspring.

    iran is one country, which has recognized the problem of population growth. in 1968 the population was 27m, and this had doubled to 55m by 1988 (ie 20 years), and reached 70m by 2006. the country has now has a fertility rate of 1.71%. it is the only country in the world, where , prior to marriage, that couples need to attend classes about contraception, prior to getting a marriage license.

    maybe if iran is a country which is showing the way, then teheran, would be the place to have a meeting about the problem. we could have a "teheran declaration" - that would amuse president bush
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