Why Kavanaugh should have been confirmed even if guilty, page-41

  1. 4,508 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 783
    Lomu, if you want to debate what would be proper in a hypothetical situation, let's discuss some scenarios that have a high probability of coming about...unlike the probability of Kavanaugh being convicted of anything concerning Christine Ford, which has a probability of zero.

    If Hillary Clinton committred felonies by destroyed evidence under subpoena, would you want her as President ?

    And what about Bill...oh never mind, he is not in office anymore...but what about his 26 trips to Epstein's island on Epstein's private jet, where it is known that sex with underage girls was common ?

    If Barack Obama directed the CIA to illegally spy on Trump, should he go to jail ?

    If Barack Obama is really Barry Soetoro and born in Kenya and thus was not legally qualified to be President,
    should all of his acts as President still be valid, and should he be considered a President in the historical sense ?

    If a number of high officials conspired with a foreign government to influence an election and frame Trump, should they be tried for treason ?

    If Bill Clinton bargained away a Supreme Court seat to Loretta Lynch, in exchange for whitewashing the Hillary investigation, what do you think should be done about it ?

    If Joe Biden is a pedophile, do you think he should be disqualified from further office ?

    What do you think should be done about Al Franken, a Congressman who has had eight women accuse him of
    sexual misconduct ?

    How about Corey Booker, who has admitted to groping 15 year old girls ?

    If someone is found to be involved in a plot to assassinate Trump, what do you think a proper penalty would be ?

    If someone engaged in espionage that resulted in the deaths of Americans, what should be done to the guilty ones ?

    Please. We have more things to worry about than false and politically motivated accusations by Christine Ford.
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