forget israel and us this is why they do it., page-22

  1. 2,677 Posts.
    Blackburn, religions have been used as a means to camoflage the pettiness of men in dealing with the world around them and with other men. If you look at the situations you see groups of ignornat, uneducated, idealogical brainwashed people who follow some individual who they beleive will deliver them a better life. they use religous arguements to strengthen support and then blame certain countries as the reason for their woes. Take Mugabe, in his speach to justify his 'coup' over the election results he again blamed the british as the reason why his people have no food, no protection. And the people, the accept as this is as correct. the west, particular the US is blamed for the world's woes and is an easy wipping boy.

    I have total repsect for the religions of the world. however, no respect for the men that use the religions of the world harm and destroy their own people and others whether in the US, in northern ireland, in Kosvo, Daffur or any other place.

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