ALA 0.00% 19.0¢ arovella therapeutics limited

Offer from the Company, page-51

  1. 5,869 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 812

    Von please dont misunderstand me. I dont not begrudge you or anyone else making a profit - well done. It is not your trading discipline in question it is your use of HC and twitter that I am focused on (oh and you bagging of other posters which I see you are continuing with)

    Furthermore I am not alleging anything against you at all but here are some questions which you can chose to answer or ignore it is totally up to you.  Remembering i dont know you and you dont know me although I must admit my nic did not make it into an ASIC announcement

    1. Do you have any association with CPS or any members/employees of CPS?

    2. Do you have any association with members of the Stewart family?

    3. Did you have any communications during the last four months with either members of CPS or members of the Stewart family about Suda?

    oh and for the record I know your frustration with Carter's apparent inability to respond to queries - unprofessional really!

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19.0¢ 19.0¢ 19.0¢ $30.70K 161.6K

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1 93856 19.0¢

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19.5¢ 475251 6
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Last trade - 10.32am 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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