call to charge howard with war crimes, page-184

  1. 2,677 Posts.
    dude, the general theme of most the iraq war is an anti-US stream. just an observation.

    If it is not anti-US then it is anti-US people running the country.

    But the bottom line is an anti-US agenda, never anti-china in what they are doing in Tibet, in the sudan, Zimbabwe.
    The french dont like the US for numerous reasons. yet it is the US called upon first to solve the worlds problems. Very easy for intellectuals to sit back and critice as you and your 'friends' seem to like to do.

    Always anti-US - and they caused the problem in th emiddle east. Actual it was the french and british in divide and conquer in the middle east and in the balkans after the fall of the ottoman empire. The US and the west inherited such problems as result of the british in attempting to weaken countries so they cannot be a single country to rise against the British.

    So if you want to play the blame game, look at the history of the british in the middle east and the balkans to understand the problems today.

    19th century White anglo saxon males sent to boarding school brought up in culture of superiority over all other races, combined with a perverted lifestyles developed from being bullied into submission by predators at the boarding schools. The english aristocry has a lot to answer for the problems of today. the house of lords continues to display such characteristics even today through sexual scandals.

    Not blaming the UK, but a group of people who, like your self display a moral sense of superioty that is unjustified.

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