News: Australian kids walk out of school to protest climate inaction, page-9

  1. 17,482 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    Do people that dont believe in Climate change also not believe that the massive unabated clearing of rain forest would have any affect on the earths climate?? Do you honestly believe you can clear all rainforests on earth and not have an affect???

    Do you have a number on the acerage of rain forests that are being cleared before it has an affect.

    I bought the 5 acre block I now live on in 1983. Then this entire area had a great rainfall and the grass was waste high.

    Since that time this entire region has become progressively drier and warmer. I now run out of water, Some of the farmers around here now have salty bores. The council shut down a couple of bores about two years ago because they have become too salty.

    Even back in 2010 or thereabouts I was mowing the paddock every month during spring and summer.

    Last year I only mowed it twice. This year I have not mowed the place for eight months except for around the septic system and one other small place that gets runoff from the road. The dry has been accelerating and that is just fact. We still get rain but not enough to make the grass grow now.

    If you want to call it just a drought then its been at least 20 years now and the long term outlook is getting worse, not better.

    We are having record temperatures, severe lack of rain.

    Toowoomba in Qld had a massive flood back in 2011 150 lives and apart from that one big flood even it is still getting drier.

    There are always one of events.

    Whether you call this climate change or a big drought it is certainly a lot different from any drought Ive been through before. Dont believe me then ring any farmer out in Western Queensland and ask them how they getting on. No grass, destocked, getting donations of food, hay and other stock feed for the farmers who still have stock.

    What ever you want to call this big dry it is extreme and very significant and it deserves a lot of research. 

    The kids are allowed to protest regardless of what you recalcatrants think. Kids should be taught how to have their voice heard and should be allowed to study how to make their voices heard, it is an important issue and in my opinion should be briefly taught in schools.

    Whats a few days off school going to hurt, christ they use to take us out of school and go and stand on the side of the road to watch the Queens car drive past.

    We may have more control on our politicians if more people got off their Arse and said something or signed a petition or protested but thats not the way of the old style 1950' Red under the Bed believers. 

    Keep crying the yellow hoard is coming and keep crying the Russians are coming youve been doing it for 50 years now so I cant see you stopping at all. The catch cry of these people, .Loony left, lefties, and all the other 50 year old recalcatrant ideology.

    Im glad these kids are learning about this stuff and it bodes well for the future if its not too late.

    Even the kids understand how important this all is.

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