Society's decline, page-39

  1. 1,042 Posts.
    Pamela Geller: The Coming Civil War

    Montecruz Foto/Flickr
    22 Jun 20174347
    The left has been at war against America for decades. The right represents those of us who favor individual freedom and capitalism — and the left are those who want government controls and socialism.
    Political violence became an essential and successful means of leftist warfare in the 60’s, the decade of destruction. The success of the violent “student rebellion” in 1964 and the so-called Free Speech Movement has set the table for the left’s warmongering and treason. It was clear from the outset that the “student revolution” violently ushered in at Berkeley in the mid-sixties would come to this. The left is evil, and they mean to destroy our way of life, our freedom and us. It took decades to norm their anti-Americanism, their hatred of freedom and individual rights, but they have reached their tipping point. And the long beaten and battered among us have had it.

    Any Rand explained why the left is seeking nothing less than the breakdown of American society:

    The attempt to solve social problems by means of physical force is what a civilized society is established to prevent. The advocates of mass civil disobedience admit that their purpose is intimidation. A society that tolerates intimidation as a means of settling disputes—the physical intimidation of some men or groups by others—loses its moral right to exist as a social system, and its collapse does not take long to follow.

    Politically, mass civil disobedience is appropriate only as a prelude to civil war—as the declaration of a total break with a country’s political institutions.

    The left is targeting the most powerful office in the world — the Presidency. But, as the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise and others at the Congressional baseball practice shows, they’re targeting everyone on the Right. There will be more of this.

    President Trump was elected by Americans who oppose the left-wing coup and are fed up with living under the left’s oppressive boot. Trump is our proxy. We fought back the non-violent way — through the ballot box. From the moment he was elected, the left refused to accept the will of the people.

    This Russian witchhunt is, according to the pundit David P. Goldman (columnist “Spengler”, an “illegal and and unconstitutional mutiny.” Spengler also noted that “one of the Republican Party’s most distinguished statesmen,” whom he did not name, “recently told a closed gathering that a ‘cold coup’ is underway against the president.”

    And that is just one of many coups — legal, cultural, political, violent. David P. Goldman (“Spengler” explains:

    The Trump-Russia collusion story is nonsense, as its disseminators know better than anyone else. The object of the exercise is not to support the innuendo, but to launch an investigation which can provoke the White House into responses that might be construed as illegal. The intelligence leaks involved in framing the story alone are probably sufficient grounds to put several dozen senior officials in federal prison for double-digit terms. That consideration gauges the scale of the problem: the mutineers have committed multiple felonies, and their downside should the mutiny go wrong is not ignominious retirement but hard time at Leavenworth.

    For the moment, the mutineers have the momentum. The Trump administration continues to run on a skeleton staff, with the vast majority of key positions still unoccupied. If my surmise is correct, it was unable to persuade the director of the FBI, the nation’s chief watchdog, to undertake vigorous countermeasures against the mutiny, for example, a comprehensive screening of electronic communications by the reporters who received leaks of classified materials.

    The right has played nice for much too long. Last Friday night, Laura Loomer took to the stage in Central Park and interrupted the Broadway production of Julius Caesar, a play by William Shakespeare that had been politically altered to feature the assassination of U.S. President Donald Trump.

    The Rebel reported: “At the moment when Trump was being gleefully murdered — an applause moment for America’s left-wing entertainment elites — Laura jumped on stage and condemned the play for normalizing political violence. Laura was arrested and held by police. The theatre company, by contrast, continues to produce their snuff show, glamorizing and normalizing violent terrorism in America.”

    What’s the difference between Loomer taking to the stage and the actors hijackingthe Hamilton stage to denigrate the Vice President of the United States? The audience didn’t come for that, either.

    Laura was arrested for “trespassing,” but leftwing thugs and goons attack those on the right at demos in support of Trump and Israel. Freedom lovers are beaten at rallies against jihad and sharia by left-wing fascists who mockingly call themselves antifa (anti-fascists).

    The deck is stacked against us. We must get off the defense.
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