AUZ 4.35% 1.1¢ australian mines limited

Why wont SKI buy in now?, page-168

  1. 16,490 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1479
    I like your lingo but not your tone,

    Maybe someone is gonna call BB on the phone.

    Tell him you said he ain't no Musk,

    Drop the day job, down to Seoul and see if he can busk.

    Time to start a mine, now is the time, so divine just your opine,

    Twenty nineteen is a few days away, wonder if there is a delay.

    Plenty at play, plenty to say, Robbie Williams is the best rock DJ,

    Skin and bone, all alone, who is going to pick up the phone?

    Not me you see we can all be free driving our irons off the tee.

    If you are on a long putter, a little stutter may taste like bitters on butter.

    But never mind as some love a flutter,

    Just as well our thoughts are not in the you muttered.

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1.2¢ 1.2¢ 1.1¢ $9.398K 788.4K

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1.2¢ 3093133 12
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