News: New Zealanders to vote on legalising recreational cannabis in 2020, page-41

  1. 890 Posts.


    Great post.“smashing cheeseburgers and Coke!”………… it  

    When legalised for recreational use the gov. will have no choice but to have an equivalent to the limits of .02 and .05 for alcohol. This can be done.


    I’m sorry matey but you are dead wrong re cannabis probably being 10 times as strong as it was 30 years ago. YOU have been misled. There is nothing available here in OZ that is as kickarse as the Thai budda that was smuggled in back in the 70’s and 80’s. The claims of ‘more potent’ weed than decades ago comes about because of the hydroponically grown crap, imo. Also imo this method of growing is also responsible for many going off the rails with schizo probs and similar. Ask the cousins if they choof hydro and how much. You may find they do, and copious amounts of it too. I'd say their daily dose is excessive, hence the affects you’ve noticed. Even here in Nimby town the hydro is the best seller on the street and that’s because there’s an extra buzz/effect due to all chemicals it was grown in. I often hear that the plants are ‘flushed’ before harvest. How on earth can the chemicals be flushed from a nice tight bud????? Absolute rubbish is what that is.


    It didn’t take long for the name calling to start now did it? It simply shows your lack of maturity and of course you are now clearly backed into a corner on this subject and with no escape. There’s actually over 300 different compounds – EDUCATE!

    FYI – Clean grown cannabis is NOT addictive. Believe it or not.

    You have nothing new to add so far and old news it is and some of it plain dead wrong information sorry.The biggest problem with the **MARIJUANA** stories being told is the people that are still stuck in the dark ages, as you seem to be.

    Anyway, why are you still calling the weed marijuana? That term came about because of the ‘reefer madness’ propaganda run by the US gov. way back in 1936 and of course the Mexicans were blamed lol!

    Its cannabis dude! and it’s either Sativa or Indica. Yurrrr very welcome.

    I love Marley’s music too. I mean how could one not????? The bloke was brilliant. R.I.P Bob.

    P.S. Unlike GoNuke, I’m nowhere near enjoying your misinformed posts on this topic but don’t let that stop you as it is the festive season after all and we all need a good laugh, Merry Xmas.

    “As for Marijuana well I always remember Bob Marley on Vids pulling unbelievable amounts of smoke from a bong. Bob died of Lung Cancer.”

    “he was taken down by a malignant melanoma originating in his toe”‘Bob first discovered the melanoma during a game of football in 1977, when a foot injury seemed unusually bad, and worsened over time. When doctors discovered the cancer, he was advised to have his toe amputated, but refused as his Rastafarian faith considers it a sin to have a part of the body ‘temple’ removed. He did consent to a skin graft but this didn’t stop the disease spreading throughout his body by the summer of 1980.”

    Read more at E-D-U-C-A-T-E !

    Even though I have no need to give you a bit of my story, I will anyway

    I’ve recently had scans done on my lungs as my Doc was concerned. Not because I was indulging in Gods herb at the time but because I had worked in heavy industry most my working life and a lot of asbestos was involved on the older ships as it was used in the lagging on pipework etc. I gave tobacco away May 07. I was given the all clear. My Doc said cannabis isn’t the culprit for the many lung diseases no matter how it's consumed. Smart doc I have aye

    Hey I'm now guessing that you believe CO2 is the culprit behind AGW, YES/NO? You do have thoughts on the matter right?

    Try this one-4All and just incidentally-A filthy tobacco smoker will tend not to get Parkinson’s.

    OH POOP! I see you already covered it D12, good work and on the ball as usual.

    Well there ya go peeps.

    Last edited by Nimbinboy: 20/12/18
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