Muscle cramps in legs, page-36

  1. 84,003 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    Ok - might not be a bad place to put this - but, if you are the squeamish type or poophobic - you better not read any further.

    Cramps bring up the suspicion of water and salts - salt brings up the idea of what you eat.

    What you eat and how hydrated you are give you some really clear signs -

    Urine output - including quantity and colour - and Poop - there's a whole world of poop information that disappears when you flush - and, it might be a good idea to keep an eye on it.

    I have known this stuff for years - indeed, I used to teach some of it - but, in Thailand I had an experience that I had not noticed before - please bear with me -

    One morning when out walking - I needed a number 2 - which, well, often there isn't a lot of choice of public toilets in SEA (SE Asia) - however - luckily this day there was a Buddist place with unlocked doors in the public toilets - so, in I went.

    The toilets were a Western toilet - but, with a difference - they had this very wide bowl - far wider than anything I had seen before - so, I dropped my dacs, did the business then, stood up to flush - and, in the bowl was this magnificent LONG LONG LONG unbroken perfectly formed poo - it would have gone at least 15 inches - maybe an inch or two more -

    Now, - suddenly I was filled with this strange sense of pride - I kid you not. I felt this wonderful feeling of emptiness and a glory that surpassed the beautiful early morning.
    I skipped out for the rest of my walk - as I passed by others I wondered in my mind - ha, I bet you didn't do what I just did -------- suckers. Wow - I couldn't get it out of my mind.

    Then, thinking that I had probably gone insane or at least, that my life must be far more boring than I thought it was - I got home, and over breakfast - googled '15 inch turd' ----------- only to find - ta dah - that, I indeed, was not alone - and, that often this experience brings up these odd emotional highs ------------ the big poop high.

    What's more - it's very instructive - ie. it's very valuable information - because - if you can lay out a log like this - commonly - then, basically - you must be doing many things right - it is the evidence that things are going ok - water balance must be good, food must be good and exercise must be good to pass such a glorious wonder.

    Here's some information on it ---- it's really like looking at a weekly chart in comparison to a 10 minute chart ------- meaning, that if you look at your urine colour - that will tell you if you are dehydrated or hydrated on an immediate basis - but, the longer term is the poop - hope that made sense
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