BRN 4.00% 39.0¢ brainchip holdings ltd

Ann: BRN Strengthens IP Protection, page-56

  1. 649 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 207
    If you want to know why the sales people have failed to deliver thus far have a look at the person specification for the Australian Sales Manager. I have spent many years in the software industry (up to Asia Pac MD,,) and observed that the best salespeople are those who understand how to apply the technology, not those who understand how and why it works. Sales people should be first and foremost deal makers - they need to have a pre-sales engineer at their side to deal with the technical ins and outs.Its a simple concept that has been proven over many years. Seems to me like BC are looking for someone to fill both roles in Oz....maybe its the same in other markets?

    Oh and by the way I put forward a commercial application of Studio and Accelerator and was told they were only interested in law enforcement clients...........

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38.0¢ 41.5¢ 37.5¢ $9.350M 23.66M

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1 152 39.0¢

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39.5¢ 373187 9
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