AUZ 0.00% 1.2¢ australian mines limited

Ann: SKI and AUZ - Committed to building the Sconi Project, page-255

  1. 1,606 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 235
    What I find funny is the claim that SK is not doing anything to help the project and is just "waiting to see if AUZ gets finance".

    Most of us who have read the announcements are aware that SKI is integrated in the discussions with the consortium of banks + possibly NAIF. Therefore it's just pure speculation they're twiddling their thumbs and goes against the recent announcement which reaffirms SKI is very much committed to the project.

    Finance packages take time and eventually we're going to find out if this project stacks up or not (I personally believe it will).

    However, it's a shame to see people slandering SK and BB as if they're aware of what's going on behind closed doors. None of us are aware of the specifics going on within these rooms, hence why we're investing at the speculative end of the market.
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