I just had a Trumph Thought Bubble, page-52

  1. 4,200 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 302
    IMO he's been loosing ever since daddy gave him the BIG pocket money, which he spunked up the wall pronto, maybe that's where his mad wall vision originated from. That aside he's a pretty horrible pussy grabbing half man, funny how even to the religious right that's more than acceptable now as he's a "born again" to ruler to save America from the ROTW.

    Trumpights Love to Hero worship, it's their nature, now their leaders know this, thus the lowest common denominator speeches, usual divide and conquer lies, the chants, the blames, the mass crowd rallies, remind you of anyone previously??

    The last few months have shown he is loosing it, along with and through ever increasing convictions that ultimately will lead back to him. Once Mueller focuses in on his family it's game set match, how long will this take, no point in stating any time frame, just wait and watch it unfold. Now the great thing about Mueller is he'll move when he's ready and not before. Master chess player IMO as has been shown time and time again.

    Who next will fall in Trump's circle as you have to admit it's a given....☺☺☺
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