frightening rather than funny, page-108

  1. 5,382 Posts.
    G'day GS
    Lengthy discussion but in brief what I'm saying is that I currently believe peak oil is close to becoming a major issue. I certainly don't disagree with the thrust of your iraq comments (add afghanistan and maybe soon iran). What I'm suggesting is that "someone" is going to move to control the middle east oil. Several parties positioning. I'm suggesting that most of us, in the end, would prefer the yanks to, the russians, the chinese or an islamic fundamentalist organisation.
    Perhaps sometimes there is no perfect solution, only the lesser of evils. I'm quick to accept that the US has done many bad things. But some alternatives could be much worse. Imagine if the nazi's had won the war for instance.
    Just my current thoughts and not meant to be defining or derogatory towards other perceptions, unless of course they don't agree with mine and are of course then wrong LOL
    Just kidding
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