nelson. turnbull.......and the govt, page-5

  1. s8
    7,757 Posts.
    Turnbull denies leaking email

    Posted 22 minutes ago

    Not my leak: Malcolm Turnbull

    (AAP: Alan Porritt)

    Related Story: Nelson, Turnbull at odds on costing Opposition treasury spokesman Malcolm Turnbull has denied leaking an email which reportedly said Brendan Nelson's plan to cut the fuel excise was a bad idea.

    Opposition Leader Dr Nelson announced the plan for a five-cent cut in petrol tax in his Budget reply speech last week.

    The Australian newspaper says Mr Turnbull sent an email to Dr Nelson's staff before the speech, saying he thought it was bad policy.

    In a statement this morning, Mr Turnbull says neither he nor anyone acting on his behalf released the email, and he supports the policy measures announced by Dr Nelson.
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