nelson. turnbull.......and the govt, page-61

  1. 378 Posts.
    Simco, I believe it is a tough battle for some to realise that disillusion of Labor parties previous terms always morphs into some form of Heroism by it's supporters.

    I read the Mal Frazer "Mess" that was left, and Bob and Paul fixed it... I think this Mess that was referred to was left by the then Whitlam Govt. Whitlam served for 3 years, it was a financial disaster and when he was sacked most people were relieved - He received an electoral flogging.
    Whitlam did not have the money to spend in his Term, but kept spending, he spent based on a post war Boom but failed to recognise the Bust. ?????????
    I admit Malcom Frazer was timid in his approach to Economics but at least he attempted to correct some of the failings of his predecesor. His treasury was inept but not an absolute abomination on fiscal policy.

    Post Whitlam and Frazer, was Hawke and Keating. Hawke and Keating governments between 1983 and 1996 lead to the shredding of the award system and the introduction of enterprise bargaining, the introduction of user pays.I have said before that there policies resulted in the biggest redistribution of wealth to the richest from the poorest in Australian history.

    Now the topic of Howard, he was no illustrious leader either. But for the most the money he did spend was gained through budget surplus. I just wonder where we will find the money to fund the deficit every Labor State govt has racked up recently.

    Shall we talk of the Scullin Govt of the depression..What a moral time in our history. Do not construe what I am saying as blaming them for the depression, I know that isn't so. But there policy, lead to those struggling to survive, to perish financially.There government was one of attacking workers in the Great Depression. At the orders of the bankers, wages were cut by 10 per cent, the unemployed were hounded and public spending was slashed.
    Lets not forget Curtin and Chifley and there handling of the Coalminers strike. Was it the armed forces they used ???? WHAT THE ?????

    Support of Labor can be ingrained into the soul from birth which is sad, no thought is given to the facts.I believe some on here do not view history with much thought at all.

    Maybe someone with a better memory can correct me, as I am sure you will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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