The Truth About Vaccines, page-4282

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    Vaccine criminal gangs threaten violence.

    Unable to convince Americans to fully trust vaccines with endless marketing propaganda and even government mandates, Food and Drug Administration boss Scott Gottlieb (shown) is now threatening to use federal force. Indeed, in bizarre comments made to national media, the senior health bureaucrat threatened that growing nationwide resistance to vaccination mandates may “force the hand of the federal government.” In short, Gottlieb wants to force states to vaccinate children, even if it goes against the religion or conscience of the parents. Critics lambasted the comments and the sentiments as authoritarian and unacceptable.

    One obvious problem with Gottlieb’s threats is that the federal government has no power to mandate vaccines or tell states what to do on the issue. In fact, according to the U.S. Constitution’s 10th Amendment, all powers not delegated to the federal government are retained by the states or the people. Of course, vaccine mandates are not listed as a federal power; therefore, as the Supreme Court has recognized, this is a state issue. Another problem for Gottlieb’s agenda is that his own boss, President Donald Trump, has repeatedly suggested that vaccines may not be as safe and effective as Big Pharma and its government cronies want people to think they are.

    But none of that appears to have phased the federal government’s top “food and drug” bureaucrat. Speaking to CNN, a media outlet described by Gottlieb’s boss Trump as “very fake news,” the FDA commissioner tried to make his case for federal intervention. “Some states are engaging in such wide exemptions that they’re creating the opportunity for outbreaks on a scale that is going to have national implications,” he claimed this week, adding that if “states continue down the path that they’re on, I think they’re going to force the hand of the federal health agencies.”

    One of the most astonishing truths of our modern information age is that the vaccine truth movement is winning the information war, despite the incessant, coordinated censorship of nearly all online content that questions the supposed “safety” of vaccines.

    The “vaccine deep state,” as I have called it, now finds itself in an all-out panic. The CDC and Big Pharma propagandists have been waging a desperate war to pressure the tech giants into censoring all information that questions the official vaccine narrative. Pinterest is in such a panic that they blocked all searches on vaccines, and Facebook has announced they’re going to start blocking all content that questions vaccine safety. YouTube also just initiated a massive site-wide demonetization of vaccine skeptics’ videos, while burying those videos in search results for good measure.

    The desperation is clear: The vaccine industry absolutely cannot allow people to question the propaganda of the vaccine deep state, which depends on ignorance and lies to maintain its own existence. No scientific questions are allowed, since the vaccine industry isn’t based on science… it’s a dangerous dogma, and dogmas are not allowed to be questioned (or they might implode).

    That’s why we all need to keep asking questions like:

    1. What are the ingredients in vaccines? (Hint: They’re incredibly toxic and deliberately harmful to human neurology.)
    2. Where is the science that proves the safety and efficacy of vaccines? (Hint: It doesn’t exist for most vaccines, and this admission is printed right on the vaccine insert sheets.)
    3. Why are vaccine companies granted total legal immunity from faulty products and the damage they cause to children? (Hint: Because the vaccine industry is steeped in corruption and a total lack of quality control, having zero motivation to make their products meet even the most basic safety standards.)
    4. Why are so many children made autistic within hours after being vaccinated? (Answer: Because the vaccines cause the autism, of course — a simple, biological fact the vaccine industry desperately hopes you never discover.)
    5. Why are the tech giants running a coordinated mass censorship agenda targeting all content that questions vaccine safety, even when the U.S. government itself publishes quarterly statistics detailing the number of children who are harmed and killed by vaccines? (See VAERS data via HHS.)
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