The Truth About Vaccines, page-4294

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8
    Yes it's happening around the world in highly vaccinated populations. I wonder why...

    The UglyUntold Truth About the Pertussis Vaccine

    Sep 14, 2015


    So, to sum up:

    1. The pertussis vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission of the disease (and in fact may increase transmission since vaccinated individuals are likely to be asymptomatic and hence no precautions not to expose infants in the family will be taken).
    2. Most pertussis strains now in circulation in the US are PRN-deficient.
    3. Vaccinated individuals are at a higher risk of infection from PRN-deficient strains than unvaccinated


    The corollary sees inescapable that now – ironically thanks to publicvaccine policy – vaccinating children for pertussis not only places any infantsin the family at risk of getting the disease, but also places at greaterrisk the vaccinated children themselves.


    Read the complete report here;

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