The David Unaipon Pipeline, page-109

  1. 17,930 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    Pipelines have not been built in the past due to the prohibitive cost of pumping water long distances.

    But nowadays we have new technologies such as solar and battery storage meaning costs can be much lower.

    Also we need water security for towns and farming so even if expensive to pump water it will have to happen if people are to remain in southern regions that are expected to get drier

    The other factor is an insatiable demand for our produce from Asia enabling premium prices to be achieved.

    In threads like this I have made the point that if we can double the water sent south to the southern Murray Darling we can double the production from $30 billion to $60 billion.

    That would pay for the building of a National Water Network without costing the taxpayer a penny!

    That would be a first in our history as a Nation.
    Last edited by RedCedar: 19/03/19
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