Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-622

  1. 41,275 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    Tips for Teens
    NBD hates computers.,
    and every now and then you have to take them by the scrotum
    Have 3 different DOD5 ( Dept Of Defense level 5 ) nukers that can do 1 to 15 passes.
    Anyway,as NBD is a prolific collector of all sorts of rubbish,
    every now and then need to clear some room,.
    Well today tried to just do a basic bin delete,which is not a delete at all,but it was a junk file.
    and it would not ( it was on the topic of cheezzz ) and it began to stink me off.
    BIG TIME..,
    so had no choice but to go back into very careful type mode,( with glasses on )
    and run cmd
    ( no that is not a rock or hip hop band )
    and rather than do the whole thing here
    / ~ : is so boring,
    thought well will just pop a link and a vid up just in case ( Not the fella called Justin Case ) you wonderful people will ever need this.
    and still hate Grammerly
    Grammerly NoBoDe farts in your general direction

    Nuke a Thing_And Feel Like a Great Geek_Link


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