should we or should we not know, page-44

  1. 160 Posts.
    Baron1 is spot on. I don't believe these people should be given a second chance full stop, let alone released back into society on the premise that they have done their time. Our legal system is a joke, their sentences are a joke, and having to allow them to be released back into society is a joke. Something like 2/3 of them re offend. Who the hell wants them around. And those who don't re offend, well it still does not change what they have done in the first place.

    And milesg, to say that whether I like it or not that these people are living around me is ridiculous. The ones who are caught, should not be allowed to live. Maybe if as a whole this society does not want to deal them the harshest of punishments, then I think it should not be me shipped off to an island with a wall around it, but them. Dump them in the middle of the desert, with a massive wall around, and let them all rot in their filth! They should all be marked clearly (hell, tattoo it into their face), they should all be micro chipped, and forced to wear leg bands to allow the system to record their every movement. And the rapists and molesters should have their (in the case of males) manhood removed.

    The leniency that some of you show is the reason this world is getting worse and worse. It is almost a holiday to go to jail these days. The sentences are short, the stay is comfortable, and the message is the crime is not so severe.

    Cheers Greg
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