Another shout of praise goes up to Jehovah!, page-81

  1. 27,732 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Some secular countries make it difficult, for example in Indonesia there are only 6 religions recognised - so the small number of Jews have to put down Christian on their documents. Even worse if you Blaspheme in public chat - 7 years prison for saying you don't believe there is a God on Facebook.
    Many feel it their right to target the Jews. Some Middle Eastern Countries do not have Israel on their maps as if that will make Israel disappear.

    Some who do believe in the existence of a God (but not Jews) believe that Israel exists through a special favour provided by their God. They claim that the fact that Israel and the Jewish community still exist despite the efforts of countless millions to destroy them over the last couple of thousands years as evidence for their position.

    What do Indonesian authorities hope to gain by imprisoning people for 7 years for stating their beliefs about a God on a public forum? Do they believe that those who don't believe in the existence of a God will change their minds or just lie like Jews have to do about their religious affiliation. If anything this measure will just entrench the non-believer more in his/her position. Do they believe that those who believe that a God exists will change their mind as a result of reading someone's opinion on Facebook? - if that is the case their belief is not exactly strong. In any case it should be a matter of personal choice and not something forced on them.

    With laws like that do you still call Indonesia secular? I disagree.

    It's the non-religious Antichrist/Dajjal group that will cause the most disruption - as we are starting to experiencing now - a lot more pain/disruption before we get to a more just and peaceful time.

    It is true that those who cause disruption are not bound by religious or non-religious beliefs.

    I have heard of too many examples of the religious being imprisoned or killed for stating a belief in a particular God. Most are examples of believers killing other believers for believing in the "wrong God".

    In my opinion we will get peace from religion when we can regard religious belief as a personal choice rather than one that is forced on others by organisations that claim to speak for God.


    Anyway thanks for the information on the status for non-believers and Jews in Indonesia.

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