Two Muslim brothers+claim\= fined $100,000., page-35

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    Herein, lies a clear demonstration of your ignorance of Sharia law. Nowhere in Sharia law, or the Qur'an, is there any mention of genital mutilation of women. This abhorrence is only practiced by a few Muslim tribes in Africa and is frowned upon by all other Muslims. And as for whipping and stoning, you can also find that in the first testament of the Bible. Thankfully, this has long been outlawed in modern Western society, as it has in most Muslim countries. Sure, there are still some that continue the practice, but they are enacted by the hard-line, fundamentalist authorities, and not condoned by the general population of those countries. The complexities of this debate are numerous, but I urge you avoid sourcing any knowledge from dimwits like Pauline Hanson and Frazer Anning. Learn from fools and you will become one yourself.
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