intelligent less likely to believe in god, page-204

  1. 144 Posts.
    This whole science can't explain it 100% therefore religion must be right argument is getting ridiculous. Scientific discovery is a process, and a very young one at that. As our understanding of the universe evolves then there will be less places to hide and that is why organised religion is dying in developed countries and having to cling to life in third world countries where the population has not been exposed to the knowledge to think for themselves.

    Briter, your questions are pointless and religious nuts always eventually get to this level of drivel. Let me cancel them out by equally pointless questions and answers below.

    Has anyone provided a proof of God’s existence?
    Not even close.

    Has religion explained the emergence of the universe or why it is here?
    Not even close.

    Has religion explained why our universe seems to be fine-tuned to allow for the existence of life?
    Not even close, unless you also believe tolkiens creation story for middle earth.

    Are religious people willing to believe in anything so long as it is does not contradict their faith?
    Close enough.

    Has religion provided us with an understanding of what is good, what is right, and what is moral?
    Not close enough. Plenty of immoral behaviour in the bible.

    Has religion in the terrible twentieth century been a force for good?
    Not even close to being close. Maybe not Christianity, its atrocities were committed centuries ago.

    Is there a narrow and oppressive orthodoxy of thought and opinion within the religions?
    Dead On.

    Does anything in the sciences or in their philosophy justify the claim that religious belief is irrational?
    this one I won't bother to change because it is so blatantly close minded.

    Is religion a frivolous exercise in baseless denial?
    Dead on.

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