Day Trader’s Aftermarket Lounge 5 Jun 2019, page-31

  1. 12,256 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 379
    This crap been going on for years I just checked my profile for when I joined HC and prob took a bit of time to discover the DT thread - where after a time I started to see a pattern - there were some good chartists that got a lot of their calls right consistently - so I followed them - they were also constantly hounded by the fundamentalists back then - and if you look around the whole site it is an epidemic of argument - the fundamentalists on every thread almost think that their opinion is the last word - - - Often the chartists start a chart thread on the stock threads only to have the fundamentalists take over the chart thread and continue their argument over the top - it is hilarious and completely moronic and lacking in any reasonableness - and look out if you post a chart on the FA thread - you get insulted howled down and told it is nothing more than pick up sticks BS -and then told by the mods to start a chart thread for the stock - which in turn the FA peeps come and overrun again - so therin lies the answer - ignorance and arrogance - no reasonable person just attacks other people personally imo-

    I kept learning about TA - and at about the halfway mark I was still hanging on to too much to fundamentals - it acted like a road blocker from being able to see what was going on with the trade - which put simply is only on the chart - So kept going more down the chart pathway - fundamentals are important in a sense if your holding long term stocks and making a living out of dividends etc - that stuff does not really apply here - although you can probably DT some large caps quite successfully - but no one posts on that stuff - wish more would -

    In the end what we get on here is a mixture of advertising and some good charting and peeps that try to stick to DT -scans - chart observations etc -
    most people miss the point that we are Dting what is active -
    So many agendas and different levels of education I guess - but in the end why would anyone bother to make a call if they are only going to be attacked - so hence a lot of folk on here come afterwards and tell what we traded - instead of making calls on what we think - so the critics win -
    But do the critics ever post good Setups ? hmm NO
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