I have recently (12 mths or so)highlighted the stupidity of self rewarding with GXY's Management and the employment of Family members and the stupid tweets and some false guidance thrown in. etc etc. Its happened, its real. Get the sh#t out of the Company and go with what makes the Company come through the other side..........
Now two events that have greatly enhanced GXY's positioning to do just that and has put GXY ahead of the pack (any other Aussie Company).
ie The 1 for 5 consolidation and The Sale to Posco of the Northern SDV section.
The greatest problem that many other Aussie Lithium Companies have is the overwelming number of shares they have on issue with next to or little cash to progress their Company and with little, if any, chance of a favorable Funding package happening without crippling it.
Two Companies mentioned on here are LPD and PLS atm along with a couple of others, I wouldn't have a buyout or 50% merger with any of those two. With LPD, access to their technology is all thats needed and not a complete buyout. Where GXY is at the moment with its percentage owned, is sufficient.
PLS is another do not touch Company. imo How far progressed are they with 1.7 billion shares on issue and how much more funding is required? If you look at all Lithium Companies in the last few years a lot of them doubled or tripled their shares on issue with not that much progress, it appears to me. They are paying the price now that the Chinese are applying the screws at this time. imo
Look at the position of GXY!
Guess what........ I am praising GXY's Management for that. Very Smart on their part with the Consolidation and the Posco Deal following. Luck or Genius I dont know. Right time, Right Place stuff as well?
We shouldn't have a lot of the speculation happening if posters really want to see actually what position some of the talked about Companies are really in. imo
KDR is the classic example of take what you can get now because it gets too hard from here. imo
Survival of the fittest mode we are all in now. GXY is very fit!
Dont be shocked unless you hold Companies outside GXY atm.
Note I dont know too much but I wouldn't hold one other aussie Lithium Company atm Md