Good morning all, I went to the EGM. I asked the hard questions, I voted.
Pnina, Sholom and Neil attended. The other Directors were not available for the EGM due to work commitments or being overseas.
I was told that we will see the harvest numbers/yields, quarterly financials in the next couple of weeks.
The only questions we were allowed to ask were directly related to the 20 Resolutions being voted on. Once the proxies were read out and voting was completed, the formalities were then concluded and you could then leave or stay and chat with the Directors and staff of CGB.
We could not ask questions before the voting started. THere were approximately 40 people in attendance.
A number of people asked questions and there was a bit of discussion about John Easterling; one woman wanted to know if he was ONJ's husband and yes he is and there were two gents who asked questions about his position as a Director. He will move across from MCL to CGB. Questions were raised about Dr Coenraads and the Mining Division. As stated in the Prospectuses and presentations that have come out over the past 2 years, the recompliance requirements have been provided. Mining will continue as stated and will be reviewed and focus will be to get the Mining licence.
No change with the current position with AEB.
AGMPL was not discussed as it is not part of the EGM and did not form any part of the 20 Resolutions. As it is an ATO matter and being dealt with by the Court.
We now wait for relisting in the next week or two (that is what was indicated).
The AGM is in November and if you want to table any Resolutions for discussion and voting, they need to be tabled prior to the meeting.
Good luck to all Shareholders and let's see where the next few weeks and months take CGB and all its Shareholders.
CGB Price at posting:
3.7¢ Sentiment: None Disclosure: Held