Pauline Hanson slams Welcome to Country ceremonies on planes, page-78

  1. 3,267 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 140
    Having worked with the Aborigines on Palm Island and in Ipswich - the biggest hypocrites, liars and racists are the Aborigines.
    They will take any opportunity to get a dollar for free.
    All of this is just Native Title and Constitutional Recognition is just bulldust. People getting on the bandwagon to get more money and entitlements guaranteed for life.

    Whereas in my youth I had some compassion for the Aboriginals and worked for them, I now feel nothing but revulsion.
    For over 50 years we have thrown money at them, given then the best of everything, endless opportunities and still they are a backward people.
    I have given them money out of my own pockets with the promises to repay - I have not been repaid once!! I have had stuff stolen from my residence and told bare faced lies - "it wasn't me bro" - when I know damn well it was.
    Don't get me wrong there are some decent types. For years my wifes best friend was an Aboriginal lady and our kids played with her kids.
    The best thing about her was she was married to an aussie guy and never once demanded to be given special benefits because of her aboriginality and nor did her kids.
    The reason they want the benefits is because people like you and other bleeding hearts are stupid enough to think they are doing something noble. The truth is your nobility is keeping them in the gutter. Treat them like any other Australians and they will learn to walk on their own two feet instead of constantly asking for more and more.
    I think the Aboriginals are stupid to ask for Constitutional recognition, because most Australians are sick and tired of handout to the Aboriginals. Most Australians realize it is divisive and racist and many now are calling for a review of Native Title because it too is racist.
    Me thinks there is going to be a big public backlash against them wanting MORE and MORE.
    Full disclosure - my grand daughter claims to be Aboriginal and is receiving all the benefits she is entitled to. LOL she never knew she was an abo until father baulked at her high school fees. Might as well get on the gravy train!!! How is that for being a racist, hypocrite and christian.

    My bottom line is -- NO MORE - end all benefits and treat them like any other Aussies.

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