If One God, why so many denominations?, page-329

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    And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:

    This is Gods son doing this act,which clearly contradicts what you are saying

    But harmonises with ,was with God,and was God


    john 20.22

    As ive said before with the understanding you have
    of the spirit of God,you are correct to say it is the fathers spirit
    What you dont seem to understand
    The Bible clearly says Jesus thought it not robbery to be equal to God

    In hebrews 1 God says Jesus is able to be worshipped

    Is Jesus worthy of your worship?
    Can you pray to Jesus?

    If the answer is yes

    Why do you do that?

    Because clearly worship belongs only to diety and the father clearly allows his son to be worshipped,Jesus can also forgive sins

    These are the perogatives of God

    Also absolutely clearly

    At jesus assension after his resurrection

    John 14.16
    And i will pray the father,and he shall give you ANOTHER COMFORTER ,that will abode with you forever

    Even the spirit of truth,whom the world cannot recieve ,because it sees him not,neither knows him,but you know him,for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you.

    Now Wotsup,this is Jesus speaking about the comforter,the holy spirit

    John 14.18

    I (Jesus)will not leave you comfortless
    I WILL COME TO YOU #@%=/!×+BAM

    Jesus sacrifice was accepted in the flesh
    He returned back to his father

    So he could take up his spirit form again

    Look at Hebrews 4.14
    Seeing that we have a high priest ,that is passed into heavens,Jesus the son of God,let us hold fast our profession

    For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with our informaties,but was tempted in all points like as we are,yet without sin!

    This is why Gods son is called the comforter
    This is why he is called Immanuel (God with us)


    Through his son,divinity,felt what it was like to be human (God with us)


    This why it says test the spirits
    If the spirit embraces the father son relationship both eternal and earthly
    This is the spirit of God

    1John 4.1-3

    1John 4.15

    1John 2.22,23 also speak of this heresy

    If they dont,it is the spirit of anti christ

    With this in mind,its easy with this foundation to test what the worlds churches say

    They give you another Jesus,a false understanding

    ie the trinity and arianism both fail the test of the spirit

    Both give you a role playing son of God,the arian version that you are teaching gives us a created,human only version.

    The trinitarian version gives us another God,who is actually not a son,but role playi.ng the son,so we can understand there relationship,but this relationship is not literal

    They both fail the test of the spirit and deny the foundational doctrine Jesus gave us in Matthew 16.17

    Before Jesus assension
    He told his disciples he will go away,and come again
    John 14.28

    Why should the desciples rejoice about this?

    Cumbered with humanity,Christ could not be in every place personally.Therefore it was for their interests that he should go to the father,and send the spirit to be his succesor on earth.

    No one could yhen have any advantage because of lacation or his personal contact with Christ.

    By the SPIRIT ,the SAVIOUR wi be accesable to all.

    Jesus knew his disciples needed his reasuring presense could be realised only if he returned to his father,for then he could return in the SPIRIT to be with us personally.

    Galations 4.6
    And because you are sons,God has SENT FORTH THE SPIRIT OF HIS SON into your hearts,crying Abba father

    Romans 8.34
    Who is he that condemns?
    It is Christ that died ,yea rather that is risen again,who is even at the right hand of God ,who also makes INTERCESSION for us

    Romans 8.26
    But the spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered

    John 14.23
    Jesus answered and said unto him,if a man love me,he will keep my words and my father will love him and WE Will COME UNTO HIM AND MAKE OUR ABODE WITH HIM.

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