More than 50,000 protesters at Sydney Climate Strike, page-105

  1. 27,598 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 23
    You said: "The science is the science but ignore it if you will ."

    A few points for you.................

    "At 2 degrees the Barrier Reef is gone,"

    Coral hates cold water and shallow water. The same species of coral that is at the barrier reef thrives in water around New Guinea and the Solomon Islands where the water is 3 - 4 degrees C warmer. The reef is recovering rapidly from a bleaching event in shallow water. These events are not new.

    "The Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (note they obviously went to school!) say we are on track for 3 degrees by 2100. Other groups of climate scientists say we are on track for 4 degrees by 2100."

    For us to see an increase in temperatures of 3 - 4 degrees by 2100 we would have to see the rate of warming accelerate 5 or 6 fold over the 0.7C of observed warming during the last 80 years, given that the effect of CO2 is logarithmic ( the more it increases the less effect it has) how is this possible or logical?
    "The IPCC estimates currently the governments of the world are only doing 20% of what is needed to reduce carbon emissions to keep things at 1.5 degrees by 2030."

    Using the IPCC's own estimates of warming a group of the worlds 40 leading economists headed by Bjorn Lomborg calculated that if nothing was done we would see a cost from global warming of 2 -3% of global GDP by 2100. They also calculated that world GDP will have risen by 600% by then so the effect will be minimal.
    It is not worth wasting $trillions on and you would get a much better bang for your buck by eradicating malaria or child poverty.

    "The science says we have only until 2030 to achieve these reductions before it will be too late and it won't matter what we do."

    If you check the latest science on the climate sensitivity of CO2 you will find that they are now claiming that you get an increase in temperature of 0.2 - 0.24C for every doubling of CO2. So from 280ppm to 560ppm you get an increase of 0.2C, from 560ppm to 1120ppm you get another 0.2C increase and so on.
    CO2 has increase from 280ppm to 415 ppm so it could have only contributed to the observed 0.7C of warming by 0.1C. The rest hast to be from natural variation just like our other warm periods.

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