UN bells the cat on the REAL goal of climate change hysteria!, page-22

  1. 3,218 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 115
    Do you really think you would be better off??
    On the other hand:-
    I have 2 grandkids who are total leeches off their parents. Waiting for me and the missus to die so they can inherit what we have worked hard for all our lives.
    Won't they be surprised. We have structured our wills so those parasites get nothing.
    I suppose you think a transfer of wealth to dead wood like them is fair and equitable!!! Frankly if we gave them $100000 each it would be gone in months and they would still be living with their parents and asking for and expecting more. Why give money away to people who do not respect the value of money and are not prepared to work for it.
    Every communist society has tried to transfer wealth from the rich to the poor and in every communist society it has resulted in greater misery for all. Millions died under Stalin and Lenin from hunger. Transferring land from the rich landowners to the poor resulted in a massive decline of productivity and an increase in the number of poor and wretched.
    I for one do not envy people like Bill Gates. Do you think he would have struggled to set up Microsoft if he had to give away his ideas and money to the guy next door who was sitting at home having a beer and too lazy to even mow the lawn.
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