Bring the hammer down - 'climate change deniers are dangerous' and being banished from The Conversation, page-1695

  1. 7,278 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    People have to know that there is now a political and financial incentive for the climate alarmists to be seen as correct.

    Of course that alone does not mean they're wrong, but when a non scientist like Obama can say that the science is "settled" and he can get his articles published and widely discussed in journals, and real scientists can't, then you know something is amiss.

    When someone, as a prank, can release an article linking the male appendage (as a social construct) to climate change, and it can appear in peer reviewed literature, then you start to smell a rat.

    I remember the climate change scenario (global warming) was a simple one between 1980 to as late as 2000. Then "man made co2 emissions, as a greenhouse gas, was warming the atmosphere so we're all going to die" was an easy, gloomy scenario to follow. It ignored the fact that we had a similar temperature increase from 1910 to 1940, followed by a decrease to 1970. Back then it was amateur hour if you pointed to a particularly cold winter and asked how that fitted in to the problem. "Don't make the rookie error of linking a single weather pattern to the overall global warming issue". Seemed a reasonable enough comeback.

    Nowadays, every weather event that cools, wets, dries or bakes a section of land has a straight-line correlation to CO2 from fossil fuels. Calls for climate change deniers to face charges are commonplace. No one gets to discuss whether the number or ferocity of the hurricanes (for example) are out of step with similar historical events. "Just look at the human devastation, are you some sort of monster?" is the mantra, which, of course, ignores the fact that there are simply more humans in front of these extreme events than there ever was in the past. Scientists that want to objectively do their job and dig a little deeper than the headlines are called Nazis and calls for their imprisonment are cropping up. If that doesn't tell you enough about the crisis we are in, then I don't know what will.

    My worry is that, in a sense, we do represent the last generation. The next generation are being completely smothered with one side of the argument. Greta Thunberg is an extreme example of this. In many ways Trump represents an obstacle to the overwhelming tide of craziness coming from the left.

    If the lunatics on the left gain power things will really get nutty.
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