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    The claim is saying that Jesus (peace beupon him) said in John 10:9 ‘I am the door’ making it equivalent to Allah’sattribute Al-Hadi, the Guide.

    Again, these words have two different meanings, ‘Iam the door’ means no one can come in to the religion except through me sinceJesus (peace be upon him) was given divine knowledge from God, while The Guidemeans that God is the only one that guides people to His religion if theythemselves are ready to receive the truth.

    Note that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is alsoaddressed as Al-Hadi, a well deservedtitle for Jesus (peace be upon him) but not in the above mentioned context.

    The claim says that in John 8:12 Jesus(peace be upon him) said that he is the light:

    [Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, Iam the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk indarkness, but shall have the light of life]

    Similarly Muhammad (peace be upon him) is alsoaddressed as light in the Quran:

    {O Prophet! Truly We have sent thee as aWitness, a Bearer of Glad Tidings, and Warner. And as one who invites toAllah’s (Grace) by His leave, and as a lamp spreading light.} (Al-Ahzab 33:45-46)

    In short Jesus (peace be upon him) neverclaimed that he was God, the Creatornor the Beneficent; on the contrary, when Jesus (peace be upon him) wasconversing with Mary Magdelene, he said that our God and his God are the samewhich proves that he was not God; John 20:17:

    [Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am notyet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascendunto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.]

    If Jesus is God would he say that he is his ownGod? He was surely talking about the Creator as his and our God.

    Further this verse is telling us that the Fatherand God are one being and Jesus is a different being. If someone argues that heis the son of God therefore he is a God; that still separates him from Godand therefore they cannot be one as the doctrine of trinity states since twonor three are equal one.

    Furthermore, The Old Testament mentions in Exodus4:22 that the prophet Israelis the son of God:

    [And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith theLORD, Israelis my son, even my firstborn]

    There are many other Gospel verses where otherprophets are addressed as sons of God; meaning godly and not physically sons ofGod since begetting sons and daughters is an attribute of the human being forthe continuation of the human race while God is One and only and is not in needof offsprings.

    In addition, Jesus’ followers called him a prophetas mentioned in Matthew 21:11:

    [And the multitude said, This is Jesus the prophetof Nazareth of Galilee.]

    One must understand that a doctrine or creed ofany religion must be based on solid verses from its religious book and notbased on a couple of verses that were proven not to be part of the originalscripture text.

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