Haha yeh that’s a great idea. Could start my own Twitter account using Winnie the Pooh investing philosophy. Excited by that idea. To be honest, I think Dr Daniel Crosby said it first. But he didn’t think of making that quote into a business idea haha.
I use HC forums to reflect, watch, self manage and regulate my mood. (Haha just got an idea. What if I built technology built into a chip that can be installed into an Apple AirPod, the technology installed in the AirPod can help self regulate your mood. Hence making you a better investor to make unbiased decisions. Apple will be my major buyer. Or they can buy me out. What Apple can do is encourage app developer to develop apps for the self regulating mood chip designed for multiple tasks. So if you need to stay alert when driving, keep yourself happy when around friends, and turn off sadness when you want to. Man, that would be a scary world. But I would profit so much from it. Even this tech might have to be regulated. Oh and for added bonus, Apple or myself can get a 30% fee every transaction. And we’ll get ISX to secure those transactions).