"Tenx's silence is killing me as I dont communicate with management or other holders."
Gee, my wife begs for me to shut up and yet its killing you Scotty?
I don't want to be responsible for your death.
Perhaps I should have married you instead.
I have been a little quiet last few days as I am not sure the conversation needs me. I don't agree with what most people are saying so rather than jump in front of a train I will just stay away. I think some of the posts here over the last few days are just laughable.
I have had contact with management and I do know exactly where the business is at. How anyone can look at a 4C that shows a 73% increase in revenue from the previous quarter which in itself was a good quarter on its own.... and demonstrating a 205%....yes please re-read that...a 205% increase YoY and be unhappy?
Sorry, but some of the reactions and comments here (even by some respected posters) reminds me that these social media discussion boards attract all types of people, some experienced...but many not.
Thats ok but lately I have been rather busy with many meetings and briefs...so don't have the capacity to add to the conversation when my personal view is so far polarised from that of the herd here.
I have a solid understanding of the numbers, I have a detailed explanation from Jeff to questions that go deeper into how the business is performing and therefore I am extremely happy with this position.
Good luck to those who have sold, I wish them well. But in my view, to see the numbers we have just been shown and to have further evidence that Jeff and the business are delivering, in fact over delivering on stated objectives shows me how many bunnies were invested in here.
I have increased my position personally and via my super holding as well.