australia needs tax change, page-35

  1. 36,517 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    ravishankaray, you said:

    "just a more efficient simpler system "

    quite a few governments in the past had tried to have a "more efficient simpler system", but all we had had were a ballooning sets of taxes. A government of the day has to balance the needs of the diverse interests in our community and in doing that a theoretically "efficient" system becomes inefficient through exemptions, exclusions, etc. A flat rate of tax with no exemptions is regressive and is a big no no in my books.

    My interest is to see a set of fair tax systems, if it can be as efficient as practicable fine, if not, a fair or fairer system takes precedence.

    You got me right, ethical. Ethnical ? you are not that way inclined, are you ?

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