Angry old white Australian male and proud of it!, page-40

  1. 19 Posts.
    Seriously? Of all the stupid things to say in a thread started by a guy proclaiming his white boomer privilege.

    First, welfare payments are not based on the number of kids you have (and there are no payments that account for the number of wives someone has given that one is the legal maximum). These payments at their maximum rate place individuals below the poverty line and ensure that they have insufficient means to rent property, attend training or support a standard of living that keeps them work ready. Adding children on top of that only adds to the dire situation these people find themselves in.

    Second, the Family Tax Benefit Part A takes into account the size of the family but this is effectively a tax offset not a welfare measure. It effectively shifts the tax free threshold higher for lower middle and low income families and provides negative taxation for extremely low income earners. This allows the tax scales to be skewed slightly in favour of those whose non discretionary living expenses take up a higher proportion of their income without providing a tax cut to high income earners. (It also supports all of our investments by keeping downward pressure on wages while ensuring as many people as possible can survive. If the government stopped this benefit the market would collapse under the weight of widespread demand for increased wages and an unprecedented number of people no longer able to buy food, pay their rent or meet their other financial obligations.)

    Third, the largest cohort to receive an actual welfare payment are retired boomers through the Age Pension. (Yes, the pension is a welfare payment. It is provided through social security legislation). This is also the wealthiest cohort in Australia. Because the asset test is so generous we are literally giving boomer millionaires a fortnightly cheque from the taxpayer.

    Boomers cost us more in healthcare, welfare, social housing and nursing home care. They are the wealthiest generation ever in this country and have continually received the most government benefits. (Although I do acknowledge that not every boomer has benefited from the privileged way the generation has been treated, the average boomer certainly has benefited)

    This is now being paid for disproportionately by younger generations who are doing so knowing that they will never acquire the wealth and security of the boomer generation.

    All of this is just the way it is because frankly the boomers are the largest voting bloke. They don't get these extra privileges because they deserve it. They just, as they say in politics, have the numbers.

    So, whateves? Well here's a thought, while your lifestyle, tax breaks and privilege are being propped up by younger generations, treat them with a little bit of respect! When we say it's not okay to use homophobic, sexist or racist language, we're not trying to interfere with your lifetime of practice. We're just letting you know that other people have feelings too and your right to do what you've done since before there was television does not outweigh somebody else's right not to be insulted for any departure from your straight, white, male sense of normal. When we say we'd like government and businesses to act on climate change for example, we're not trying to cost you money on the altar of some eco ideology. You could perhaps put your skepticism aside and accept that the most highly educated generations in history are telling you to listen to the scientists (many of whom are the smartest people of your own generation). Why do we care more than you? Because it'll be us and our children who have to live here in 50+ years after you've passed away and it's no longer your problem.

    There will always be differences between the politics of generations. If you are an investor receiving warped tax concessions, a home owner benefiting from timing and the generous government arrangements around the protected status and treatment of residential property, or an aged pensioner living in Sydney or Melbourne whose welfare payment is unaffected by your largest asset, your wealth and standard of living is at the expense of, and paid for by younger generations.

    The least you angry boomers could do is show a little respect.
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