SRL 3.70% 26.0¢ sunrise energy metals limited

You had me at 25c, page-18

  1. 252 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 145
    it might be just as simple as there being a year of bad news.

    Those water projects were supposed to be commissioned Q1.

    The breakup with MCC and Hoyo

    The price of cobalt and nickel.

    Maybe ditching MCC was a strategic move to allign more closely with the US. Maybe they wanted the LME Nickel levels to drop before negotiating a price. Maybe they wanted 3 water projects up and running to prove to investors that CLQs tech works. Maybe there not siging offtakes to ensure they can get someone to put money on the table.

    I'm sure the share holders would like to think that every decision or action is part of some grand plan, but the truth is there is no strong evidence to suggest that.

    We can all see the positives, but we are all wearing rose tinted glasses. From the outside CLQ looks like a fish out of water. No finance, no new offtakes, and many delays and broken promises.
    Last edited by HowCanILoose: 21/11/19
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27.0¢ 27.0¢ 24.5¢ $3.778K 15.12K

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2 19040 25.0¢

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29.5¢ 1080 1
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