Unabated greed killin this great country, page-10

  1. 47,083 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @raiderup; since September 2013 our national government has worked overtime to $Feed $Corporate $Greed at the expense of Aussie Battlers.

    The late 2013 decision to knee-cap the ATO even resulted in an $882 million windfall to News Corp while 'cutting red tape' has reduced corporate regulators to cream puffs even as large US corporations including Glencore, News Corp, Apple, Facebook and Chevron pay virtually $No $Tax on earnings within Australia.

    It's sobering to realise that I may have paid more income tax during my working life in Australia than all of those corporations combined and will continue to pay John Howard's 10% GST until the day I die [unlike those corporations] - such is the Coalition's idea of a fair go for all.
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