TOE 0.00% 20.5¢ toro energy limited

Ann: Company Update, page-14

  1. 2,434 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 558
    Hi gang
    I have decided to take some time off HC for a while.
    I know Toe will sort itself. Im not leaving and am as passionate as ever.
    I will be back FULL FORCE in the new year.
    Some skin cancer surgery and chemo crap on my face has left me a little short tempered lately. A bit beaten up and looking like Freddy Krueger. Im not complaining by any means for a minute. I one of the lucky. Thank you all for lifting my spirits ..sorry for being a bit grumpy of late.
    But I need to take stock.
    Merry Christmas Everyone. Thankyou for being amongst our lively discussions. Also thankyou for putting up with my rants now and then.
    I only rant coz Im sooo bloody passionate about Nuclear power supply and Australian uranium supply.
    Its been an amazing year. So many like minded friends investors. Thankyou you to HC for giving us all a platform.
    Some of us have been sanctioned, you know who you are heehee. Sent to the naughty room. .
    Take time for famiiy, special friends, strangers that need a leg up , most of all look after yourself True Believers.

    Merry Christmas Drumma

    ps Im lurking

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Mkt cap ! $24.65M
Open High Low Value Volume
20.5¢ 20.5¢ 20.0¢ $8.71K 42.74K

Buyers (Bids)

No. Vol. Price($)
4 107457 20.0¢

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
20.5¢ 40098 2
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Last trade - 13.03pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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