Some climate deniers should be pitied, but none deserve respect., page-898

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    before getting to a reflection of great poignancy about Greta Thornberg, permit me to briefly remark on the desperation in the narrative management of the noisemakers who deny AGW and climate change here on HC.

    to wit, did you see the insufferable Jopo actually raised again in this thread the utterly debunked fantasy of “the pause”. What twisted dream will he claim next is science. Will he start raving about Al Gore? Bud Ward asked some climate scientists what they thought were the highs and the lows of climate science in an otherwise “dim” 2019.

    he published some of the responses in an article in weekly e-mailout issued Friday. I particularly liked this response about Time Magazine’s person of the year.

    “Perhaps not surprisingly, the youth movements – personified by, but not limited to, Swedish teenage activist Greta Thunberg, Time magazine’s 2019 “Person of the Year” – get several mentions, kudos.

    ”Thunberg’s “Fridays for Future” international movement “changed the conversation in useful ways,” said Jeff Severinghaus, PhD, of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego.

    ““Instead of half-hearted national ambitions, the focus is now on the spectacular failure of today’s adults to solve a problem that will primarily impact the future of today’s children.

    ””It highlights the moral dimension of the climate problem,” according to Severinghaus, a member of the National Academy of Sciences: “One group harming another by abdication of responsibility is widely considered to be immoral.””
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