to all atheists, page-276

  1. 157 Posts.
    About time:
    No one is going to read such an awfully inane topic.
    Atheists:= Believers, worst than Christians (not to mention the head-be doers)....Atheists=Believe in atheism....
    Equal incoherent malakes...
    Agnostics are the TRUE humane, realisticly pragmatists....
    I am one of them.
    Atheist: A farrago of sciolistic cyclothymic non scientific ideas...
    ...........Worst of all: Scientology=Almost as bad as Islam.
    Hence my being......kicked out of here many a time in the past....Correct?
    Are you CONTROLLED by the abominable Scientologists? No one in his right mind, would EVEN remotely espouse that INHUMANELY Absurdly religious creed....
    You do?
    Time for me to go....And, also time for OUR AFP to enter the argument.
    Scientology IS antihumane. Scientology IS the tantamount to Islaminhumane Barbarity.
    The hell with Scientology. Similarly with Islam. Same with The Fanatical Evangelists! Long live Freedom! Long live humanity!

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